We Shall Fight In the Fields and In the Streets
Ah, it's that time of year again, the time when RFK's empty lots fill with pick-up trucks and late '80s rust-covered Cutlass Sierras. Everywhere you look, you see mullets, stretched-out tanktops, and filthy-mouthed urchins wearing #8 T-shirts that've been washed so many times -- once a week for the last 14 years (hand-me-downs from their siblings) -- that the rubberized print has cracked and peeled. Yes, kids, Baltimore is in town. Hide the women. Hide the children. And, yeah, you probably want to hide the men, too.
Oh, there are many reasons to hate that foul, beastly, armpit of a city. Lest I work myself up into a lather before I've had my second cup o' coffee, I'll just send along this from the old Capitol Punishment archives, an oldie, but still appropriate.
And lest that's not enough to sate thine appetite, remember on this Preakness weekend, that Baltimore is the city that KILLED BARBARO!!!!!!!!! And if you're the kind of heartless bastard whose blood doth not run cold at those words, first I'd like to thank you, Mr. Defense Contractor, for the hard work you do supplying our nation's military, and second, I'd point out that Baltimore is the city that KILLED BARBARO!!!!!!!! leading thousands of people to produce schlock like this. And this. And this. And this.
And if that's not enough to get you to realize what a scourge, a blight, a plague that Baltimore is, nothing will. And I weep for your soul.
If that's not enough, this headline seems especially appropriate today.
Oh, there are many reasons to hate that foul, beastly, armpit of a city. Lest I work myself up into a lather before I've had my second cup o' coffee, I'll just send along this from the old Capitol Punishment archives, an oldie, but still appropriate.
And lest that's not enough to sate thine appetite, remember on this Preakness weekend, that Baltimore is the city that KILLED BARBARO!!!!!!!!! And if you're the kind of heartless bastard whose blood doth not run cold at those words, first I'd like to thank you, Mr. Defense Contractor, for the hard work you do supplying our nation's military, and second, I'd point out that Baltimore is the city that KILLED BARBARO!!!!!!!! leading thousands of people to produce schlock like this. And this. And this. And this.
And if that's not enough to get you to realize what a scourge, a blight, a plague that Baltimore is, nothing will. And I weep for your soul.
Amen, brother. Amen.
My faux hatred is building already.
With Simontacci, Pitcher X, and Micah the Great we can't lose.
Sweep the Birds!
Anonymous, at 5/18/2007 9:25 AM
Exactly! We can run the B Team out there and still pound their ass!!!
Chris Needham, at 5/18/2007 9:26 AM
It's Bawlmor not Baltimore. Good luck finding anyone from Bawlmor who can correctly enunciate the city's name.
And Peter Angelos is still pure concentrated evil.
Anonymous, at 5/18/2007 9:39 AM
In addition to that Cutlass Sierra, there is an automobile of uncertain lineage "down the ocean" that is completely covered in Orioles bumper stickers. I mean every square inch of the car body is plastered with that filthy, shtinking Orioles pigeon; the goofy one, not the ornithologically correct one. It was last seen in the vicinity of 12th Street and Philadelphia Avenue.
Bote Man
a native of Washinun
Bote Man, at 5/18/2007 12:33 PM
Where's rich gannon when you need him, pound their asses indead!
Unknown, at 5/18/2007 1:27 PM
Stop taking picktores of my car!
Anonymous, at 5/18/2007 1:56 PM
...we'll stand on the mound with broken minor league retreads (it's all we've bloody got).
WFY, at 5/18/2007 5:40 PM
I never realized that Barbaro was such a loss to some people. Hope they don't have any dogs, because they are probably feeding Barbaro to them before their walk around the neighborhood. ;D
NatsNation, at 5/18/2007 11:32 PM
Yes Baltimore. The city who actually stood up to the British in the War of 1812 instead of saying "Eh, what the hey. Burn the city down."
My historical smack leaves you in shame. Good day sir!
Anonymous, at 5/19/2007 11:23 AM
Eh... That'd be good smack if the burning of Baltimore WEREN'T an optimal outcome!
Chris Needham, at 5/19/2007 11:26 AM
Yes, I am sure all those unbathed Baltimorian peons will be wowed by the wonderful paradise of...Anacostia.
Which will be made even better when those Baltimore simpletons then get to experience the Nationals new park located deep in the heart of the idyllic utopia that is...Anacostia...
Anonymous, at 5/19/2007 11:36 AM
Stop trolling. You're not from Baltimore. You spelled and used "idyllic" properly.
Chris Needham, at 5/19/2007 11:38 AM
Perhaps those Baltimorians can become enlightened by the wonderful ways of Washington D.C. (a city where football fans pride themselves by wearing dresses and pig noses) after they become stranded in the city when driving in the oh-so-logical and orderly street grid of the great District.
Historical smack is child's play once you've experienced traffic planning smack!
Anonymous, at 5/19/2007 12:08 PM
Hey, don't ask me to defend DC's traffic...
But if you want do a comparison of potholes and tire grooves in pavement, it's no contest.
Chris Needham, at 5/19/2007 12:15 PM
On the issue of street maintenence, I'd venture to say it's a scratch between the two burgs.
However, I do have to admit I have a slight envy for the 13,000 Nationals faithful who proudly proclaim their great love of all things relating to the city of Washington and their pride for the city's sports teams...and as soon as the game ends hightail it back to their Falls Church subdivision of Flowerly Lakes and their house on Fluffy Bunny Trail. Nothing says civic pride like admiring your city from the suburbs. Now get off my lawn, you pesky kids!
Anonymous, at 5/19/2007 12:33 PM
Like the fine folks in Baltimore don't scurry back to their backwater burgs... the traffic back to Dundalk is terrible after games -- mostly because their rust-covered jalopies have broken down on the way back, but that's a different matter.
Chris Needham, at 5/19/2007 12:36 PM
I hate to do this, but I'm going to have to deduct some points off for using the whole "rust covered jalopies" allusion twice now.
Anonymous, at 5/19/2007 12:48 PM
Be lenient. I have a head cold. ;)
Chris Needham, at 5/19/2007 12:59 PM
ah yes, but those Dundalkian rust covered jalopies have lovingly restored V8s. I’ll take a sports fan who knows which way to turn a wrench over one that has his BMW mechanic on speed-dial any day.
“Lovey, we won. Break out the chardonnay.” ;)
Anonymous, at 5/19/2007 2:48 PM
I swear, is there really no one out there either in the minors or in the scrap who can be a better option than Tony Batista? Everytime he comes in, my heart sinks like it did last night when he swung at three straight sliders in the dirt.
Anonymous, at 5/20/2007 4:46 PM
These are the lowest lifeforms (in descending order):
(3) Baltimore Orioles fans from Baltimore
(2) Baltimore Orioles fans from DC
(1) Fans that come to the game wearing both Nats & Orioles gear.
Anonymous, at 5/20/2007 9:53 PM
What about Baltimore Orioles fans from Southern Maryland?
Anonymous, at 5/22/2007 7:50 AM
Best description of Bawlmer EVER.
DCSportsChick, at 5/22/2007 8:29 AM
It's great to know that no matter how many stereo types you bestow upon us, and no matter how much you make fun of the wake we speak,
you guys are pathetic. WE won the third game for you
Anonymous, at 5/22/2007 10:55 AM
So you're saying the Nats suck?
No shit!
Chris Needham, at 5/22/2007 10:57 AM
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