Fouled-Off Bunts: Two-Hour Delay Edition
The lease is done! The DCSEC signed off on it this morning, and it's on its way to the DC Council. They are supposed to vote on it for the 12/20 hearing. It will need seven votes to pass, but only has five committed votes. There are three undecideds. If they can be flipped, we'll have a park, and eventually an owner.
The Washington Times looked at the issues confronting the council this morning.
--I didn't link this one yesterday when I did my roundup, but Banks of the Anacostia has an interesting take for it. He's gung-ho for the trade. What I like about his analysis, though, are the steps he walks you through to get there. He's more optimistic than I am, but at least he's looking at the evidence as opposed to trampling all over it like Boz' column from today.
While you're there, check out his where-to-ship-Vidro list. I really wouldn't require anything of value in return for him. Just dumping his contract would be enough for me!
--Here's an AP story that's banal, but I'm including just for its headline: " Soriano accepts trade to Nationals". Soriano doesn't have a choice! It's not like the Javier Vazquez situation. Soriano will go where he's told. Curt Flood lost for you, man!
--Want a generic feature on the trade? Me neither. So pass it on to someone you hate.
--Wondering what the Transaction Guy's take on it was? Me neither. Here ya go anyway.
--Interested in the Primate consensus is? Only slightly more? Enjoy!
Hate paying Ticketmasters usurious scammy fees? Good news! Unfortunately, they're not fee-free, and (oh, look at that!), MLB owns most of the company. How conveeeeeeenient. So we now get to pay MLB money to have the right to buy MLB tickets?
Movie Pick O' The Week: Walk The Line. Growing up I loathed country music. And I still don't really like the twangy hickified country, but this is from the era when rock/jazz/country/blues were all in one big mixing pot, waiting to break out. Good luck watching this movie without tapping your toe. The acting is tremendous, even if the story isn't especially exciting (just your basic music star has hard times, does drugs, finds love, perseveres story.) Reese Witherspoon is tremendous, giving a performance where, for the first time, you don't think "Hey, that's Reese Witherspoon!" every time you see her on screen.
The Washington Times looked at the issues confronting the council this morning.
--I didn't link this one yesterday when I did my roundup, but Banks of the Anacostia has an interesting take for it. He's gung-ho for the trade. What I like about his analysis, though, are the steps he walks you through to get there. He's more optimistic than I am, but at least he's looking at the evidence as opposed to trampling all over it like Boz' column from today.
While you're there, check out his where-to-ship-Vidro list. I really wouldn't require anything of value in return for him. Just dumping his contract would be enough for me!
--Here's an AP story that's banal, but I'm including just for its headline: " Soriano accepts trade to Nationals". Soriano doesn't have a choice! It's not like the Javier Vazquez situation. Soriano will go where he's told. Curt Flood lost for you, man!
--Want a generic feature on the trade? Me neither. So pass it on to someone you hate.
--Wondering what the Transaction Guy's take on it was? Me neither. Here ya go anyway.
--Interested in the Primate consensus is? Only slightly more? Enjoy!
You misunderstood. Soriano had finally gotten through the 5 stages of being traded.
Earlier AP stories included:
Soriano denies trade to Nationals -"It's not me. We must have picked up Rafeal Soriano and traded him."
Soriano expresses anger about trade to Nationals. - "How could the Rangers do this too me! They are a bunch of can't make the playoff losers and they trade an All-Star? Screw 'em!"
Soriano tries to bargain out of trade to Nationals - "I'll play OF. Here let's go practice! Come on! I'll play catcher if you want me to. We can work something out. What if I restructure my salary? You like that don't you? I promise I won't complain ever again. Not ever!"
and finally
Soriano depressed over trade to Nationals - "I'm going to hit in RFK. I'm going to be torn apart by Capital Punishment when I get on base once every 5 at bats. Frank's going to yell at me all the time. Worse I have to wear those hideous alternate jerseys."
Harper, at 12/09/2005 5:09 PM
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