Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Why Write My Own Material When Others Are Doing It For Free?

It's time for a blog round-up. I'm getting fried on the writing, thanks to the President's budget and an impending behemoth of a speech I'm working on. Thankfully, there hasn't been much Nats-related excitement.

--Ryan dissects the latest (I better steer away from the Goebbels jokes for now) puff piece on the team's offensive chances. His contention: this team is an offensive black hole. It's pretty close, at least a supernova.

--John points to an article on Shawn Hill and his prospects as he recovers from Tommy John surgery.

--John also looks at Zach Day and addresses the rumors that he's headed to the bullpen to start the year. That doesn't make a ton of sense to me. Day's put up three above-average seasons as a starter, despite injury problems. As much as I want the kids at the back of the rotation to get a chance, our best chance of contending is with 170 innings of above-average pitching from Day. We won't get that if he's in the bullpen.

UPDATE: Day's using motion-analysis to improve his delivery and to better focus training to reduce injury chances.

--Basil addresses the implications of the Braves taking over the Richmond radio market. While everyone's focused on Angelos, is this Atlanta trying to reassert its turf?


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