Everybody Loves Bob: A Continuing Series
Weep for the CAPSLOCK KEY!!!
Did I mishear him last night, or did he say that Cordero and Rauch would be charged with Blown Saves? If that's what he said, man...
What REALLY bothers me about Bob Carpenter on MASN is his propensity to CALL THE PLAY before it develops in front of him. If runners are on first and second with one out--and a hitter knocks a hard shot at an infielder--Carpenter IMMEDIATELY says: "THAT's AN INNING ENDING DOUBLE PLAY BALL!!" Many times, the fielder boots the knock. Its embarrassing. Bob did it again tonight on a hard smash to D'Angelo Jimenez at shortstop. Leading off the bottom of the third inning, The Rockies Jeff Francis grounded sharply to shortstop. Carpenter called out: "There's an easy out!!" Only to see Jimenez throw the baseball away. Only Dmitri Young coming off the bag--saved the out from being an error. Time and Time Again, Bob Carpenter does this. I am tired of it.
The other call he makes that drives me up the wall is when a batter makes a nice hit--and WITHOUT EVEN MAKING THE CALL ABOUT WHAT HAS OCCURRED--Bob says: That's a NICE SWING!! Its the sign of an announcer who believes he knows more than he really does. He is talking down to the audience. I don't like it. Call the action--please. Let Don Sutton give the expertise. And, each time Carpenter misjudges a call--Don Sutton remains silent. That's telling. Come on Bob!! Let everything play out in front of you. Describe THE ACTION!! Don't Describe What YOU THINK YOU WILL SEE!!! And, please don't try to be the COLOR ANNOUNCER. There is a Big Difference. Sutton is one of the best--let him do his job. There is a good reason why Don is signed to a four year contract.
Just to minorly pile on, he has also twice in the last two games given an incorrect out of town score. I noticed because in both cases I was following the other game on my computer and had the correct score in front of me.
It's not a huge thing, but then again, it's not a hard thing to get right.
Unknown, at 8/25/2007 11:04 AM
Wasn't listening to Bob, but Cordero entered in a non-save situation, and gave up the lead. He should be (and is) charged with the loss. Rauch entered in a tie game, and didn't "save" the opportunity for the Nats to come to bat in extra innings. He should be charged with a blown save.
Anonymous, at 8/25/2007 12:08 PM
You know the rules better than our announcer! (if what I heard him say was accurate...)
Chris Needham, at 8/25/2007 12:11 PM
You heard right, Chris. He did say they would both be charged with blown saves.
cassander, at 8/25/2007 12:14 PM
He also mentioned at the top of the telecast that The Washington Nationals had not won in two years of play at Coors Field. Well, I seem to recall The Nationals sweeping The Rockies in Denver in 2005. When he said this, I knew he was wrong. The Press Guide even says The Nats went 3-0 there in 2005.
Screech's Best Friend, at 8/25/2007 12:46 PM
Bob Carpenter is horrible. He was horrible with the Orioles and they dumped him on us. He is a whiner. He whines about the men left on base all game long. He has to sit on that one stat all game long so he can bash you over the head with it or act like it singularly explains the win. I listen to Jaggler and Sloes with the TV sound off. I hate that jackass.
Anonymous, at 8/25/2007 1:03 PM
One correction: Rauch did not enter in a tie game, he entered with a 5-3 lead. That's why he was charged with a blown save. You can't be charged with a blown save in a tie game, since there is no lead to "save".
Anonymous, at 8/25/2007 2:52 PM
What's with the new blazer outfits for our Joy Boys? Did Sears win a new contract for outfitting MASN's best? They look like a couple of conventioneers on holiday.
Anonymous, at 8/25/2007 8:08 PM
Carpenter never broadcast for the Orioles.
Jim H, at 8/25/2007 10:34 PM
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