Panda Express Update
Yesterday, we found out that Andruw Jones had a gourmet meal at the Pentagon City Mall's Panda Express.
That evening, he went 0-3 against our Nats. This is the same Andruw Jones who's already knocked Nats pitching around for 2 homers and had a .500 OBP against them this season.
Coincidence? Definitely not.
So the next time you're wandering around Pentagon City Mall, and you see a hungry ballplayer, point 'em to Panda Express.
That evening, he went 0-3 against our Nats. This is the same Andruw Jones who's already knocked Nats pitching around for 2 homers and had a .500 OBP against them this season.
Coincidence? Definitely not.
So the next time you're wandering around Pentagon City Mall, and you see a hungry ballplayer, point 'em to Panda Express.
Failing that, direct them to the Taco Bell right next to the Panda Express. AND WHERE THE FUCK IS THE KETTLE CORN AT PENTAGON CITY!
D, at 4/17/2007 10:45 AM
I think that Ritz there is where the away team stays. I bumped into Mike Piazza in the lobby back in 05 over the weekend of that first exhibition series at RFK.
Ah NoVa. Gotta be the one place in the country where not one, but TWO five-star Ritz Carlton hotels are attached to malls.
Anonymous, at 4/17/2007 11:30 AM
Yes. Many away teams stay at the Ritz at Pentagon City because it is between the stadium and the airport. I work in the mall at the tobacco shoppe and we get a lot of players in looking to buy dip. Last week when the Dbacks were in town. Brandon Lyon and Brandon Meddars were in(Mark Grace had been in the day before) When Livan Hernandez pushed open our door and said to them "Hey! They got new Jeans at Nordstroms!" Apperently Livo was boosted by his new designer Jeans.
Anonymous, at 4/17/2007 11:42 AM
In the many years I have been living in Pentagon City (not for much longer though) I have never seen any ballplayers. I have heard that Austin Kearns shops at Harris Teeter though.
Oddly enough, I have seen two former Penn State basketball players.
WFY, at 4/17/2007 1:26 PM
Last July, as I staggered out of a wedding reception, the Florida Marlins were all checking in to the Mayflower. Lucky it was a July series, when we knew who each of the young Marlins were, rather than April when I couldn't pick a Marlins player out of a lineup if he was in a uniform.
The Cardinals used to announce which hotels the visiting teams were staying in. Perhaps they were looking for more Lawrence Taylor type evenings...
Natsfan74, at 4/17/2007 2:15 PM
When I was a kid, the annual Red and Green books (AL published the Red Book and NL published the Green Book) would list the hotel each team stayed in each city.
Anonymous, at 4/17/2007 2:36 PM
The MSG in the food at Panda Express probably did Andruw Jones in. It is a wonder he could swing the bat after he was MSG'd.
Anonymous, at 4/17/2007 10:35 PM
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