The only thing worse is that Kasten doesn't see any difference between an exhibition and opening day. Considering the fuck it attitude his boys have had in putting a roster together I probably shouldn't be surprised.
The only thing worse is that Kasten doesn't see any difference between an exhibition and opening day. Considering the fuck it attitude his boys have had in putting a roster together I probably shouldn't be surprised.
I'm sure he's a perfectly nice fellow, and probably had no ill-will behind his comments, but Jayson Werth's comment about Nats Park being sort of like the Phillies' "home away from home" would merit a pitch to the rib cage tonight if it were me.
But, then, I'm a jerk.
John O'Connor, at 4/07/2010 8:27 AM
I fully expect Stan to let him throw at the first pitch tonight, since he's helped to bring so much more money into the team that they're not going to invest internationally.
Chris Needham, at 4/07/2010 8:38 AM
I'm tempted to take all the tickets to Phillies games that came with my Nats season ticket package and give them to the biggest, nastiest D.C. thugs I can find, along with a large amount of booze and the promise of a bounty for each Phillies fan's cap they bring me.
Anonymous, at 4/07/2010 9:03 AM
Does anyone personally know Nats fans who weren't able to get tickets to the game that wanted them? Or, conversely, would we sell out opening day right now, with this team without opening vs the Phils or Mets?
Greg Pultorak, at 4/07/2010 9:52 AM
Greg: Yes, me. Tried when they went on sale, tried at various points leading up to opening day, hell even contemplated going the flex plan option when the money was available, only to realize they were sold out at that point.
Natsochist, at 4/07/2010 10:34 AM
And to no absolutely one's surprise, the Nationals favorite public relations sheep Nats320 has been silent on the matter as well.
Is there any doubt at this point that the Nationals pay him to get good pr?
Anonymous, at 4/07/2010 1:01 PM
At 13:50 Wednesday afternoon, 7 April, 2010 there are precisely 190 reader comments in response to the linked article on the Washington Post web site.
I guess if the Lernastens wanted fan response, they sure got it!
Bote Man, at 4/07/2010 1:53 PM
I tried to get tickets to the opener and could not, unless I was willing to spring for a package - which I am not at this point.
Zuckerman had 150-some comments on this, too. So, yeah, it's a hot button issue.
MikeHarris, at 4/07/2010 3:00 PM
I got shut out too. Even went to Nats Park box office Friday afternoon and was told, "I have no singles." Didn't want to sit in the $5 nosebleeds, so went the StubHub route. Next year's plan:
I'm withdrawing a grand in November, or Halloween, or whenver StanK decides to start group sales, buying 25 $40 tickets, immediately putting them on StubHub, eBay and every other auction site I can find, and will finance my summer vacation that way. As StanK himself would say: "It's that simple."
Sunshine_Bobby_Carpenter_is_Too_Pessimistic_for_Me, at 4/07/2010 11:13 PM
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