One More Down. None to Go.
Well, that was fast. Tomo Ohka and the Nats avoided an arbitration hearing when he signed a $2.75 million one-year contract. The pitching staff is mostly set, it appears.
Hopefully, the inevitible Loaiza signing won't pollute it too much.
And hopefully Ohka will rebound from his broken arm to continue to grow and put up the kind of numbers that'll make him too expensive to re-sign next year!
Hopefully, the inevitible Loaiza signing won't pollute it too much.
And hopefully Ohka will rebound from his broken arm to continue to grow and put up the kind of numbers that'll make him too expensive to re-sign next year!
loazia might not be a bad idea, the guy did start the allstar game two years ago, the question is whether he can get it back
at the right price i say the nats should take a chance on him, we don't have a deep or talented pitching staff
Anonymous, at 1/18/2005 5:06 PM
I say "no way" to Loazia, unless he comes cheap. A big Yankee fan, I watched him a lot last year when he came to NY from Chicago. He sucked. The one bright spot -- and he had this in 2003 -- is that he seemed to get his cut fastball back while he was doing some middle relief in the playoffs (one could attribute this to his hanging in the bullpen with the master of the cut fastball, Mariano Rivera). The hitch is that even in the playoffs, Esteban seemed to lose it after a few innings. Given Loazia's recent success, I bet his price is too high. I think the Nats will be better off spending the money elsewhere, like the minor leagues. Youth and future promise is more fun to root for than the bounceback of an okay pitcher who had one good year.
Anonymous, at 1/18/2005 8:01 PM
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