Intercepted Communications
After reports of Paul LoDuca's "training-related" (wink wink) knee injury surfaced last week, my first inclination was to call up my good buddy Jim and have him ask Aaron Boone about the process for tearing up contracts because of knee injuries. With that fantasy not likely to become a reality, we're resigned to see the Pusher three to six weeks after his impending knee surgery, much like the groundhog (another rat-like creature) reemerging from his hole.
Although LoDuca has been hibernating in that hole, avoiding the general public, especially post-Mitchell, he's still communicating with the team and his friends. Since his cell phone IS TOAST!, he's resorting to his second favorite form of communication: the hand-written note.
Thanks to the incompetence of the US Postal Service, I've come across a few of these notes, and I thought I'd share them with you, the loyal reader.
Some are benign:
Some try to reassure the players:
Some try to reassure the manager:
Some hope for a quick cure:
Some don't contain anything new:
And some just want to taunt.
Although LoDuca has been hibernating in that hole, avoiding the general public, especially post-Mitchell, he's still communicating with the team and his friends. Since his cell phone IS TOAST!, he's resorting to his second favorite form of communication: the hand-written note.
Thanks to the incompetence of the US Postal Service, I've come across a few of these notes, and I thought I'd share them with you, the loyal reader.
Some are benign:
Some try to reassure the players:
Some try to reassure the manager:
Some hope for a quick cure:
Some don't contain anything new:
And some just want to taunt.
Weak. You'll make Basil cry.
By Nate, at 1/27/2008 10:06 PM
Perfect, Chris. Paulie Walnuts' pending knife job has caused me to lower my projections for him. Now, he's got .215 in 42 games written all over him.
Stay healthy, Kid Flores...
By Anonymous, at 1/27/2008 10:51 PM
This is both funny and sad. Now when he underachieves next year it will be blamed on his knee, and not lack of horse juice. I actually hope he gets back on HgH to recover from the injury quicker. It's not like he's got anything to hide anymore.
We didn't (I hope) know about this stuff with PLoD before signing him, but the timing sucks when it comes right after the Elijah Dukes mess. Just because we got lucky with Dmitri doesn't mean we should become the Cincinnati Bengals of baseball.
(On the flip side, I don't fully understand why Lastings Milledge has such a bad rap just for high-fiving some fans and "bend ya knees." He's young, has loads of talent, and wants to be a superstar. Aren't those good qualities for a professional athlete???)
By Rob B, at 1/27/2008 10:54 PM
rob b: I agree. At my season ticket draft, one of the other shareholders mentioned how much he disliked the Mets trade. To which I responded, what's wrong with Milledge? Maybe's he a bit full of himself, but at least he isn't a criminal or a steroid abuser. If he becomes an All Star, that trade could well be remembered as Trader Jim's all time coup.
By Anonymous, at 1/28/2008 7:32 AM
For a man with such a nice signature his handwriting is a disappointment. It's like a 8 yr old robot. I imagine that's how Vicki from Small Wonder writes like.
By Harper, at 1/28/2008 9:48 AM
Well, his bookie's goons DID break his pinky finger...
By Chris Needham, at 1/28/2008 9:49 AM
Levity aside gentlemen, I fear that we are now saddled with a catcher who is the wrong side of thirty five, has a bad knee and a body getting used to squatting everyday without horse juice. His injury is not bed enough to warrant a replacement, and the only internal solution within the organisation has spent the winter demonstrating that he needs to go back to school in AA ball in order to learn his fundamentals.
By Unknown, at 1/28/2008 11:03 AM
So, an entirely possible outcome is that the Nats will have spent $5M and end up deploying some AAAA catcher (whose name we don't even know yet) for a significant proportion of the season. And Flores ends up learning a lot OTJ anyway.
Not the most efficient deployment of resources, IMO.
By Anonymous, at 1/28/2008 12:07 PM
I find the remark about groundhogs offensive. They a far less rat-like then Paul Lo Duca
By Anonymous, at 1/28/2008 1:02 PM
. . . end up deploying some AAAA catcher (whose name we don't even know yet) . . .
Well, we now know it's Estrada (and I'm prepared to rank him better than AAAA). I guess this was worth waiting for, although I'd welcome opportunities to avoid this kind of angst in future.
By Anonymous, at 1/29/2008 9:56 AM
My knee is toast!
By Scaevola, at 1/29/2008 3:52 PM
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By Anonymous, at 3/07/2009 12:03 AM
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