Frank And Davey Not Sitting In A Tree
In Ladson's interview with Frank, which I discussed in my last post, Frank alluded to his dislike for Davey Johnson.
Barry Svrluga, writing in the Post, ups the ante, getting some more details about their 'relationship' with the Orioles. Excerpting it won't do it justice, and the full profile is worth a read, even if it's a long one.
(Side note.... Svrluga would be perfect for SI or another magazine, where he could do more of these long-form articles, focusing on the colorful details and playing with the language, something that working a beat sometimes makes difficult.)
Barry Svrluga, writing in the Post, ups the ante, getting some more details about their 'relationship' with the Orioles. Excerpting it won't do it justice, and the full profile is worth a read, even if it's a long one.
(Side note.... Svrluga would be perfect for SI or another magazine, where he could do more of these long-form articles, focusing on the colorful details and playing with the language, something that working a beat sometimes makes difficult.)
Yeah, Barry would be good for that. So would Sheinin. Of course, the Post lets Sheinin do the long-form articles in the Post. Maybe they should let Barry do some too.
Brandon, at 6/23/2006 8:04 AM today has an interview with by Bill Ladson with Frank where Ladson tries a bunch of different ways to get under Frank's skin, about Davey Johnson and other subjects. I thought Frank came off very calm and almost class in that writeup.
Anonymous, at 6/23/2006 9:30 AM
Er, somehow I missed the first paragraph of the original post.
Anonymous, at 6/23/2006 9:31 AM
They better not be...
Anonymous, at 6/23/2006 11:37 AM
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