Friday, December 16, 2005

That's What They Get For Stealing Our Team

First they took our team. Now they're taking our ex-third basemen. Tony Batista, fresh from being released by a team in Japan, despite giving a typically Bastistian performance, has been signed by the Minnesota Twins. He's presumably the front-runner for their third base job, and the most prominent of the Twins Bloggers definitely isn't happy. Check out Gleeman's deconstruction of Mr. Batista.


  • What? That's only 18 games worth of outs! Just trifles!

    By Blogger Chris Needham, at 12/16/2005 11:57 AM  

  • I think now would be an ideal time to point out that Batista is COMPARABLE to Alf.

    By Blogger Nate, at 12/16/2005 1:40 PM  

  • Gleeman needs to settle down. If this is the worst thing the Twins have ever done, they're a damn well-run team.

    By Blogger Ryan, at 12/16/2005 2:42 PM  

  • Oh, I don't know... Soriano's certainly faster than Tony, which helps with the OBP and staying out of GIDPs. But if you were looking to build an infield around good pop, no discipline, no glove hitters, you'd really have to have both of them. Equivalent? No. Comparable? Hmmm...

    By Blogger Nate, at 12/16/2005 3:08 PM  

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